Attendance Policy

Please see the link here to our Attendance policy. 

We have shared the key points below. This is not a replacement for the full policy, more a helpful set of key points to support you. 

Please ask at the office if you have any questions.

Attendance Policy Key Points


We believe in creating a safe and inclusive school. Good attendance is essential if children are to take full advantage of all that the school and trust offers, so that they can gain the educational and social skills necessary for life.


Parents are legally responsible for making sure their child attends school. We are required to share attendance information with the local authority and the DfE ( Department for Education) 

Attendance Register

We track attendance daily and mark students as present, absent, or attending an approved activity.

Please tell the school why your child is absent by 8.30am

If you are unsure if your child is well enough for school please follow this advice.


We expect high attendance and punctuality from everyone.  Attendance is monitored and celebrated. There are different levels of attendance: Gold/Silver (high), Green (good), Amber (needs improvement), Red (serious concern)

We request that all medical appointments are made out of school hours.

Holidays should be taken during school breaks. Term-time holidays are not approved.


Attendance is monitored daily, weekly, and across the school.

If there are concerns, the school will work with you to support this.


Being on time is very important. The school day starts at 8.30 Arriving late, after the register closes at 9.10 result in an unauthorised absence.

Penalty Notices

Fines may be issued for unauthorised absences, including holidays and persistent lateness.

Penalty Notices may be issued because: 

  • Your child has persistent unauthorised absences from school

  • Your child is persistently late at school after the registers have closed

  • You have taken unauthorised holidays in term time

  • Your child has unauthorised absence from alternative education provision

Penalty Notice Fines will be considered when the threshold of 10 sessions (5 days) of unauthorised absence (together or on separate occasions) is met within a 10 school week period 

First offence: £160 if paid within 28 days, reduced to £80 if paid within 21 days. 

Second offence (within 3 years): £160, no reduction. 

Third or further offences (within 3 years): May result in legal action.


The school is here to support you. Please communicate with us about any attendance concerns.