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End of Key Stage Results 

We want all children to be confident and successful learners who achieve the very best they can. We treat all children as individuals, carefully monitoring their progress and planning next steps on their learning journey.  All staff are dedicated and committed, ensuring that children receive the best education they can.

Children’s progress is monitored regularly and updated on our tracking system each half term.

We report children’s achievements through Parents’ Evenings and in the annual written school report. 


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Key Stages

The national curriculum is organised into blocks of years called ‘key stages’ (KS). At Cheam Common Infants’ Academy we have two key stages: Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) for Nursery and Reception and KS1 for Years 1 and 2.

At the end of the Early Years Foundation, the teacher will assess each child’s performance against the Early Years Framework. 

At the end of Key Stage 1, the teacher will formally assess each child’s performance. These assessments are informally referred to as ‘SATs’. The Key Stage 1 children will be assessed in reading, writing and mathematics. A science judgement is also submitted. 

The results of your child’s end of year key stage assessments will be sent home to parents by the end of the summer term. 


Challenge Partners

Cheam Common Infants takes part in the national Challenge Partners programme. The programme helps ‘good’ and ‘outstanding’ schools with their monitoring and evaluation procedures, gives senior leaders the opportunity to become national specialist leaders of education (SLEs) and provides outstanding continuing professional development (CPD) opportunities for all staff. Challenge Partners enables our school to provide significant support to other schools locally, across London and nationally as well.

"Positive attitudes in all lessons also demonstrate pupils’ engagement in their learning, as do comments such as, ‘Coming to school every day helps me to get better at maths. If I am confused my teacher helps me’."

- Quality Assurance Review 2024


The review team, comprising of host school leaders and visiting reviewers agree that evidence indicates these areas are evaluated as follows:

Leadership at all Levels Leading
Quality of provision and outcomes Leading
Quality of provision and outcomes for disadvantaged pupils and pupils with additional needs Leading
Overall Peer Evaluation Estimate Leading

Challenge Partners QA Review Report January 2025Challenge Partners QA Review Report January 2024Challenge Partners QA Review Report March 2023